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Hello 2023: God is Faithful.

First, let me start by saying Happy New Year!!!!!! I pray this year is a blessed year for you and your family. I pray for God to show up in your life to remind you that He is always near to His own. I know I had to continue to remind myself of that truth in 2022 and for the rest of my life, it will be engraved on my heart. I'm so thankful that no matter what happens in this life when we place our faith and trust in God He is able to sustain us through the most difficult times in life.

I don't know about you but 2022 was a difficult season for me. And I say season because I knew that a lot that took place would cause a shift in my norm that would only be for a season, at least I hoped. But I wasn't prepared for all of the coping and suppressing my own feelings it would take to get through it. I was in survival mode all of 2022, kind of similar to how I felt when the pandemic first happened in 2020. I just did what I could to survive and make it to the next day. By the Grace of God alone, I survived.

So many things happened in 2022, and with its challenges though, came the biggest blessings in my life. Turning 30 was one of them. All of my 20s I wasn't looking forward to turning 30 but now that it is here, I'm so excited to see all that God does. He's already been doing some amazing things (: prayerfully soon I will share more on how God strategically places the right people in your life at the right time. It has definitely shown me that God is always near, listening to every prayer, taking note of every cry, and always carrying my burdens with me. 

My faith took a hit in 2022, but I rested in the confidence of knowing that when I can't carry my own cross He has already carried His and that I always have a hope to hold fast to. I never ever have to worry about being alone or left behind, because He is ALWAYS and forever with me, every step of the way even when I grow so weary in trying to do and be all that He is calling me to be. My love for God and trust in Him has grown more in difficult and unexpected seasons than in the constant joyful ones. He is my hiding place when this life beats me down. 

As 2023 has just begun, I want to share what I've learned in 2022. I pray you will be encouraged and inspired to do the work of the Lord and grow to be who God is calling you to be in the good seasons as well as the tough ones. 

What I've learned:

  1. God is always, always, always FAITHFUL.
  2. Seasons always change.
  3. Pray even when it's hard or as simple as "God help me today"
  4. Surround yourself with people who are devoted to Christ, not this world.
  5. Keep Eternity at the forefront, always.
  6. Never give up, God always has a plan.
  7. The bible is a record of God showing up for His own. Read it as much as you can.
  8. The Holy Spirit is there to lead and guide you.
  9. Sanctification is a journey, not a sprint.
  10. You are never ever alone.
Cheers to a new year!! 

Thank you Father, for another year, another day, may we not take for granted the time and seasons you give us.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

<3 Marissa

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