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Showing posts from December, 2012

Wanted to share this, it helped me a lot.

Losing Friends, Gaining Faith by  JENNIFER JOHNS  on  APRIL 30, 2010 Several weeks ago a friend visited my desk to chat when she noticed a small square paper hanging on my cubicle wall. She asked what it said and leaned in closer to read it. The quote was about staying open to the change God wants to do in our lives. An uncomfortable look formed on her face and she said something about how HR doesn’t allow religion in the workplace. I wasn’t sure if she was kidding or serious, so I asked if it offended her. She said, “Well, it’s definitely weird.” Losing Friends I’ve noticed a difference in some friendships since  dedicating my life fully to God . At times it comes in the form of mocking, especially after sharing a great story that feels highly inspiring, but it also comes in the form of rejection. At first this new dynamic was hard to swallow; it felt like I was being torn between two worlds. It was great getting invites to dinner or drinks with friends, and yet I had

Quick Blog: Giving to others.

Throughout my walk with Christ, I have been truly learning how to love others, and stop making everything about me. I have always been a generous, giving, and kind person. But because of being so generous I have been taking advantage of several times by people I would not have thought would do me like that. And yet because I have a kind heart, I still continue to love on them, and help them.If it wasn't for Christ, I would have a bitter heart towards all of those people who did those things to me. I want to live Christ-like, so I choose to keep loving the unloving, and forgiving the unforgiving because I know it will help me grow spiritually, and draw me closer to God. In the bible it says it is better to give, than receive (Acts 20:35). I find myself asking God, how come I have yet to meet other young Christians that are like me, giving, with a pure heart? How come I keep finding myself giving, and not ever receiving? Than I instantly have to tell myself, it isn't always about

New cycle.

I realize that every mistake I could make as a young woman could in fact put my future in danger or jeopardy. Not only will my mistakes affect me, but they will also affect my husband, my children and so on. When people sin, they do not take the time to realize the extremity of that sin. It could seem like just a moment and nothing more than that, but it can hunt you for the remainder of your life. Your past can literally shape your future. And when you hold on to it, it can and will destroy any chances of having a stable life in the future. That is why I vow to my father in Heaven that I will try my hardest to live righteously and to live by his commandants. I vow to end my family’s sin cycle, and start a new God-fearing lifestyle, that will resemble God’s love. I don’t want to be shackled, and buried in lies, and deceit. I want to be free, and live a life full of joy and peace. I want to be an inspiration to other young women, and young adult. It is possible to live right; you just