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Did you girls know that you can pray for your future mate starting right now? You may be just fifteen and marriage may seem a long way off for you; but you can never be too ready for marriage. It’s a life long commitment. Who you choose to begin the journey till death with is highly important. It can either make or break you. You can spend your life married to the most charming hunk of a man, but if he lacks wisdom, he’ll be the furthest thing away from the key to a happy marriage. This doesn't mean you can’t pick an attractive guy, but your priority should be on his character rather than his demeanor.
Start praying today. You might actually have some fun. You can list out the characteristics you would like him to have and present them before God. You can tell God your likes and dislikes. He’ll be enthralled by what you have to say. Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4) It’s never too early to begin praying for "The One". You can pray that he stays safe and sound, that he remains faithful to God, and that he keeps his body pure till the day of marriage.
Marriage is one big step. And unless a marriage rests on Jesus, it’s resting on something broken. Pray for a man who fears the Lord above all else and who will build his house on God's values, being faith, hope and love. What are you waiting for? You can start right now. --

I pray for my future husband often, my parents have been praying for him as well ever since I was a little girl. I use to have a drawn out list of things that I seek for in a husband when I was 16, but as I grew older I realized that my list was unrealistic, so I threw away that list. To a lot of people my expectations may still be unrealistic or so I’ve been told that "I'm too picky" or "my standards are too high" whatever.. God wants you to be patient, prudent, and picky!!  We live in a world where women standards are either too low or they don’t exist AT ALL! There is nothing that God cannot do, he can send you the man that your heart desires, it is not impossible. "Don’t be afraid, you can never ask too much of God. Nothing is beyond His capacity. The very reason you feel like I should be these things for you, is because God has created a desire in you specifically for me and only me, who will be these things, and you won’t be happy with any other guy." I know he will send me a man that measures up to my expectations and most importantly his expectations for me.  "Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4)" To deny and ignore the longings of my heart is almost like denying and ignoring the One who placed them there in the first place. God know what’s best for me, and he wants to see me happy.So as I continue to wait for my husband, and he can take his time, because I'm definitely in no hurry, I just pray that he continues to love God, and serve him wholeheartedly! So when the time is right God will bring us together! (:

Reminder: Just keep trusting in God, and keep yourself open to the direction in which he is leading you.