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The pursuit of God.

We all get to a point in our lives when we feel as though we are headed towards rock bottom. School seems to be stressing you out, work is becoming more and more demanding, family members can't seem to get along or agree, friends are nowhere to be found when you need them, that guy/girl you like so much and thought were "the one", changed on you, waking up in the morning seems to get harder, going to bed at night seems to be a struggle. Finding time to just get away seems impossible, everything just seems to be slowly falling apart right in front of your eyes. Running away from your problems seems to be the only solutions.

This is where I am.

Stuck, trying to figure out a direction to go in. Praying constantly. Emotional. Discouraged.

Trying to find a resting place. Music, writing, and art has always been my escape. Drawing eases my mind for a short amount of time, now n days I can't even pick up a pencil and draw. When I was younger I use to see a psychologist and she would always recommend in my times of distress to think of my happy place. My happy place was always somewhere where there was an ocean, trees, a beautiful sky, birds flying, a cool breeze,  just me chilling in the presence of God. That was my happy place, away from people, the city lights, all that. I'm the type of person that loves to just have alone time, to just think about everything. It keeps me sane. Now n days, I don't get that because I'm always working, going to school, chores, homework, its a never ending list. I always just want to hop in my car and drive far away, only thing that's stopping me is not knowing where I'm going and because gas is so high lol.

The truth of the matter is, nothing in this whole wide world can fill the voids in my heart but GOD! I've been on a pursuit to find happiness in ALL the wrongs things, in all the wrong places. Every time I feel this emptiness inside, instead of feeling bad for myself, I have learned to look to Jesus, and stop and just spend time with him. It's a struggle sometimes, it is, because you feel discouraged and the devil wants you to think you are all alone, but every time that I do stop and just pause and pray and talk to Jesus, I promise you every time I leave feeling whole again. I feel like a conqueror, ready for the world Lol. That's why God puts obstacles in our lives, because without pain we will never know how it feels to appreciate God's goodness. In reality, you have to fall sometimes. We look to psychiatrists doctors, music, art, money, sex, drugs, to fill the voids in our hearts, Only to find out that it's only a temporary satisfaction. Than we end up right back at square one, broken and confused. As I grow in Christ, everyday I become more reliant on God. I confess that I need him in my life, everyday all day or else I'm completely unstable. 

That's why it is so important to stay focused on God. Become so hidden in him that you rely completely on him for happiness and strength. There will still be tough times, but I guarantee you, you will grow stronger day by day. 

People WILL let you down. Life will get demanding. You will have to sacrifice. You will feel like crying, you will feel like your not gonna make it. But, you will! Did you know that your tongue is a powerful weapon?

G. Craig Lewis spoke about this -- Prov. 18:21 Death and life ARE in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. This means that we literally shape our environment by our confession.What we say is what we get. When we speak life, we get life because our words line up with our creators words. This causes a reaction in His dimension as well as ours. "1Tim. 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses". We must speak words and pray what lines up with the Word of God for our lives. But we can change the climate of our lives by simply confessing what God has already pronounced to us. -- Read more -->

You have to encourage yourself!! AND Remember you are not alone.

Psalms 37:39 says "But the salvation of the righteous is of the Lord: he is their strength in the time of trouble". See your not alone, God wants you to go to him in times of trouble, he wants you to rely COMPLETELY on him. He is the healer.

Learn to trust in him. It's a hard thing to do, just as it is to trust anybody, it's something you have to work on daily. But God, unlike humans he doesn't want to hurt you, his intentions are PURE & PERFECT!! 

"I say this because I know what I am planning for you," says the Lord. "I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you HOPE AND A GOOD FUTURE" (Jeremiah 29:11). 

See, how awesome and amazing our God is. Put him first and he WILL show you the path of life. He WILL NEVER lead you astray! 

And do you know that God, your father, knows exactly what you need even before you ask him? (Matthew 6:8) How great is that, He hears your cries, way before you finally decide to get on your knees and tell him whats hurting you. He knows your hurting, he knows your getting tired, and feel like giving up.

Here's a quote that I love that really inspires me to keep fighting the good fight!

"God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers" - unknown

He knows your strong enough to get through it, so get through it!!!! Block the devil out of your mind, he is a deceiver, a liar, he wants you to break, fall down, and stay down right along with him.Give all your worries and cares to God. "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time, (7) Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you" (1 Peter 5:6-7)

Everyday I find myself becoming stronger and wiser. Even though hard times are hard to get through,  I know that it is absolutely necessary!  Before I started typing this I wanted to cry, cry about this that and the other, as I continued to read the word as I typed this, and feel God's presence near me as I typed, I started to feel more and more at peace. Isn't it amazing how the bible that was written along time ago has such a powerful reverence today. I remember I read a post on Facebook saying something to the extent of "Life doesn't come with a manual, if it did life would be much easier" WHAT? The Bible is our instruction manual people. Every problem you face, has a solution=Ask God he'll show you, through Actions, NOT just words. Sometimes we underestimate the power that God has. But he's not going to force his way in your life. He's already proven to you he loves you, he's already proven that your worthy in his eyes, now prove to him that you love him! Trust!!

Growing in Christ is my biggest desire, to hear those words "well done my good and faithful servant" is what I want more than ANYTHING in this world. That's why daily I strive to be Holy & pleasing to God (Romans 12:1).  I hope and pray that this encourages and inspires someone out there to give their life over to God if they haven't already and to those that have to continue to fight the good fight of faith! Please don't give up (:

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