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My prayer for you ♡

Okay this is very uncomfortable for me to share, very very uncomfortable. However, because of that very reason and because I believe that God can do the impossible I'm sharing this prayer I wrote about 4 years ago. 

I really believe that God will provide in His time with an amazing man that will be worth the wait. (He's a giver of good gifts, AMEN). In the meantime, I'm sharing this because I also prayed for me in this prayer and I'm able to look back and see that in the last 4 years God has been working on me in a lot of the areas that I included in this prayer. How faithful is He.

I'm literally seeing how things are working together on my end before the ring which gives me hope that maybe just maybe on his end it is also working. Thats why I'm putting this prayer out there, to encourage you to pray diligently for your one day spouse but also that God also does a work in you before the ring. We are all works in progress and we will continue to be after the ring but the work must be done before and after.

When we pray for others it helps us too!
Never stop praying and always trust God.


Dear Husband,
My prayer for you.


I’m praying that as you lead me and guide me to where you will have me I pray that my husband will be there and that I will be found by him at the right time. I pray that I will be kept busy doing what you have called me to do until his arrival. I also pray that you prepare our hearts for one another, and that we both are made whole during this season of waiting. I pray that we are both able to see the blessings in it, and fully embrace it as a gift that is seasonal. May we both allow you to lead us. May we both prepare spiritually, emotionally, mentally and financially for our futures together but keeping in mind that sanctification and renewing our minds is a process and a journey. Help us to trust you along the journey.  

May we seek after healing from all past and present hurts that could cause us to put up a wall and be emotionally disconnected. More importantly I pray that we grow in your word, that we both understand who you are, and who we are in you! I pray that he’s a man after your heart, a man that pursues you daily, a man that will protect me and care for me. A man that will not be afraid to pursue me, that will go the extra mile to let it be known that I’m the one for him. I don't expect a perfect pursuit just an intentional one. And when he realizes that I’m what he wants I pray that he will pursue marriage with me and not be afraid to choose me fully. I pray that he will learn to lead me and our future children as you lead him. 

I pray that he will be patient, forgiving and understanding. I pray that he will be a man that is celibate, and pursuing purity daily. I pray that he learns to guard his heart, mind, and thoughts. That he is practicing self-control and able to remove himself from situations that may harm him and our relationship. I pray that he will grow to be a great father to our one day children. That he will love them and protect them and most importantly teach them about Jesus. I pray that he will have a male mentor to lean on for encouragement, direction, correction and wisdom. I pray that he has a solid circle of friends, who genuinely want what’s best for him and will hold him accountable. I pray that he's a hard worker but knows when to rest and the value of rest. I pray that you will give him vision and that he understands the calling you have placed on him. I pray that we will agree on the importance of having our own personal relationship with you. I pray that he is committed to growing his relationship with you and putting you first.

Lord, I believe that my desire to be married some day is a gift that you have given me. And as hard as it is sometimes to wait, I believe my day is coming and I await it with expectancy. I stand on your word, and I’m asking by faith that he will arrive soon, and he that he will not be afraid to pursue me! I pray that he will be courageous, and brave in his pursuit. That he will not allow fear from past rejection stop him from getting to me. I pray that we become the best of friends, that he knows his heart will be safe with me, and mine with him. I pray that when he says he’s in this for the long run, that I believe it and that I trust that you will lead us and guide us. May we not let anything come between what you have established between us. I pray that protecting my heart will be one of his top priorities but more than anything I pray that he will hold me by the hand as he grows closer to you! 


Written: June 20, 2017
Revised: February 10, 2021