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Showing posts from December, 2020

The Lord directs the steps of the Godly ♡

The Lord directs the steps of the Godly. He delights in every detail of their life. Psalms 37:23 Are you at a crossroads with trying to make a really tough decision? Have you continously sought the Lord about something to no prevail? Are you fed up with waiting to hear from God on what you should do next? A few months back I was in South Carolina visiting a friend and her family. I spoke with her brother and sister in law about how I just felt like God wasn't hearing my prayers. I expressed how I was growing weary and needing to make a decision soon on rather to return home or give Texas another year. I also shared with them that I desired belonging, something that I had effortlessly back home. (This year taught me vulnerability I must admit because I went from being very closed off about my weaknesses to sharing them unashamedly. I guess I just came to a place of surrender, seeking answers and direction from whomever could provide them. Crossroads do that.) Her sibli...

God is faithful ♡

Sometimes the cloudiness of life blurs our vision. There are seasons when our faith is strong and our hope is solid. But then there are seasons when we walk through fogs, consumed with doubt and fear. What I'm learning and I'm sure will continue to learn is that God is faithful in these foggy seasons. When it seems like your prayers are going unanswered, when it seems like you're all alone without a helper or comforter, when it seems like its never going to end or your hope is deferred; please know that God is in this season with you.  One of my favorite quotes is the "The teacher is always silent during the test". How true is that and when applied to our journey with Christ, it seems to be even more true.  I'm convinced that seasons when God seems quiet and doesn't seem to be moving in your life and your prayers seem to be going unanswered is when the complete opposite is taking place.  This year more than ever before I've ...

50 things that 2020 taught me ♡

What a crazy year right? Although challenging it has been a very fruitful year for me. With all of the setbacks I've grown a lot spiritually. With all of the disappointments I've learned to trust and rely on God more. In the loneliest of moments, I found that Jesus is truly the greatest comforter. Being forced to spend more time alone than normal I've also learned a lot about myself. This was a year of growth and preparation. I strongly believe that God doesn't put us through the fire without a purpose in doing so. So I'm excited to see what 2021 will bring.  With that being said, I decided to share a few things that I've learned about life and myself this year ♡ 1. Fear is a choice.  2. "Home" is where the heart is. 3. I enjoy peace and tranquility. 4. Too much of anything is not good for me. 5. God is still at work. 6. It's okay to just be. 7. Financial freedom is a priority, not a burden. 8. Friendships evolve/change and that...

Read your Bible like your life depends on it because IT DOES!

With love and exhortation Christians, believers in Jesus Christ YOU are responsible for reading and studying the Bible. Not your pastor, your parent or your bestfriend. Never put all your trust in men to teach you, even if it is a man/woman of God in the pulpit. The Bible is clear that we all need to work out our own salvation. (Philippians 2:12) There are too many people calling themselves Christians but they don't even read the Bible. The first thing they do when they're confused about something is look to culture (the world system), people or their feelings for justification. Be very careful about this because the devil is always looking for even the smallest ways to deceive people. And please don't just read the Bible or rely on devotions, study it to show yourself approved. Study it to be able to give a reason for why you believe what you believe. Study it to be able to exalt Christ and what He has done for you. The devil wants illiterate Bible readers who want a ni...