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God is faithful ♡

Sometimes the cloudiness of life blurs our vision. There are seasons when our faith is strong and our hope is solid. But then there are seasons when we walk through fogs, consumed with doubt and fear.

What I'm learning and I'm sure will continue to learn is that God is faithful in these foggy seasons. When it seems like your prayers are going unanswered, when it seems like you're all alone without a helper or comforter, when it seems like its never going to end or your hope is deferred; please know that God is in this season with you. 

One of my favorite quotes is the "The teacher is always silent during the test". How true is that and when applied to our journey with Christ, it seems to be even more true. 

I'm convinced that seasons when God seems quiet and doesn't seem to be moving in your life and your prayers seem to be going unanswered is when the complete opposite is taking place. 

This year more than ever before I've had to reread past journal entries that I wrote to remind myself that God is indeed FAITHFUL. And what I've found is that in these journal entries I would cry out to the Lord asking if He hears me, if He sees me. Broken and confused, I was hopeless and really seeking His voice, His presence and His love. Now looking back, little did I know in those seasons, He indeed was speaking, His presence was evident and His love was steadfast. 

So many times we wonder where is God, what is He doing, and why. When a lot of the times we are too consumed with our problem to hear Him speak to our hearts. Difficult moments should force us to be still and sit quiet at His feet. In those quiet moments is when we're able to hear Him speak to our discouraged hearts. This is why we should rejoice in the fog because the fog forces us to slow down and seek Him.

God is faithful. Every situation or circumstance that you are facing is not out of His reach or provision. He is sovereign. Please know that you are not alone, you are heard, seen and most importantly, LOVED.

If you're feeling restless right now, I challenge you to sit at His feet and cry out to Him with your cares and worries. He already knows what you're dealing with but invites you to have this conversation with Him about it because HE CARES FOR YOU! Never stop going to the Lord with your worries or fears even when years pass you by and you're wondering if He heard you. He heard you the FIRST TIME you prayed. He knows.
But He wants you to know something too, He's got it. He's got you.

Because He's faithful

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