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Read your Bible like your life depends on it because IT DOES!

With love and exhortation Christians, believers in Jesus Christ YOU are responsible for reading and studying the Bible. Not your pastor, your parent or your bestfriend. Never put all your trust in men to teach you, even if it is a man/woman of God in the pulpit. The Bible is clear that we all need to work out our own salvation. (Philippians 2:12)

There are too many people calling themselves Christians but they don't even read the Bible. The first thing they do when they're confused about something is look to culture (the world system), people or their feelings for justification. Be very careful about this because the devil is always looking for even the smallest ways to deceive people.

And please don't just read the Bible or rely on devotions, study it to show yourself approved. Study it to be able to give a reason for why you believe what you believe. Study it to be able to exalt Christ and what He has done for you.

The devil wants illiterate Bible readers who want a nice, inclusive and tolerable Jesus but not a just, holy and righteous God.

When you study the Bible, you start to see God's character and how He deals with humanity, sin, and how the devil has throughout all of time deceived so many of God's chosen people.

God wants a relationship with you, and He has given us His word to help and encourage us in that relationship. Take advantage of this time now because we may not always have this privilege ♡

Read your Bible, it is crucial for your faith and your life ♡