"So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us." 1 John 4:16 Love. We all crave it, we all desire it. We seek after it sometimes in all the wrong places. Yet, it's right in front of us, pursuing us constantly with no hesitations. When I think about how I've sought after love in the wrong men. How I've sought after love in the wrong spaces and even how I manage to push people that I know love me away out of fear. To know that a perfect being loves me so purely and so much that He chose to die on the cross for me lights a fire in me that I have never felt. To know that He chooses to love me through my fears is everything to me. The last blog I wrote about love and I normally don't talk about this subject publicly that much but for whatever reason this season is making me press into it. To hear about love, want it and seek after it is one thing but to realize that it's already present and active in my life hits differently....
Hey there! Thanks for stopping by (: My heart behind creating this blog is to inspire and encourage others to live for Christ, to glorify Him and to grow in the Word ♡